How repetitions work in our body
Back in school days, do you remember the homework given by teachers? Assigning to write a difficult word or sentence four or five times is one of them. Why are the repetitions of the tasks assigned to us? How the athletes or musicians gain the advantage of repeated practice before they are ready to go to large tournaments or main events. Let's dig into the science. Our brain consists of white matter and grey matter Grey matter receives the information. The source of the information can be your teacher's notes, books, music or any video. That information is passed to the white matter of your brain. White matter is full of nerve fibres called axons. Axons are surrounded by a small sheath called myelin. When we repeat a task, the axons surrounded by myelin become thicker. This causes the information to flow intensely and evidently. The process of thickening the myelin that surrounds the axons is called myelination. Myelination strengthens our talents or capabilities. It is due ...